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- Strong Partner Universities
The University of Houston is one of the largest higher learning institution in Texas, and is Carnegie-rated top research university. The Cullen College of Engineering was recently ranked at No. 69 on the list of 2023–2024 Best Graduate Schools of Engineering by U.S. News & World Report. The Cullen College of Engineering boasts one of the most outstanding teaching and research teams in the world, and its faculty roster includes 17 members of the National Academy of Engineering.

- International Joint Education
The Institute boasts a distinguished faculty from UH, complemented by the selection of top DMU professors to lead the curricula. Over one-third of the specialized courses in these programs are taught by UH professors, many of whom are members of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), editors-in-chief of prominent engineering journals, Fulbright scholars, and foreign experts from the national base for the 111 Program. The DMU faculty includes both seasoned experts and professors renowned for their theoretical depth and exceptional research capabilities. This collaborative approach between DMU and UH harnesses the strengths of both institutions, allowing students to benefit from the best of both worlds.
- International Education Standards
The Institute integrates educational resources and cultural features from both China and the United States, absorbs UH advanced educational ideas, and cultivates students' abilities for independent thinking, innovation and creativity. For specialized courses, we teach students in English only and in small classes, and use a discussion-based teaching method. The training plan independently formulated is in line with international standards. In order to ensure that the students can adapt to the English-only teaching environment, they will receive intensive English learning when they are freshmen, and will also learn the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures, cross-cultural communication and other courses to develop their international visions and competitiveness.